Counseling and Coaching for Marriages

I am here with the expertise to help you grow, heal, and get your relationship back on track. I can show you how to work through conflict, communicate, and create a relationship where you both feel close and connected.

Letโ€™s Get Started!

Christa Rupar offering marriage counseling and parenting. Help for relationships and families.

Using experiential and emotion-focused modalities of therapy and working from an Attachment-based and Interpersonal Nuerobiolgy framework we are going deeper than just changing the way you relate as a couple. We are creating real change that lasts for your marriage. The end product is a marriage where you both feel seen and heard, connected and secure, and confidence in how to grow individually and as a couple.

marriage counseling in Springfield, MO. Vitality Counseling and Coaching

Ready to get to work?

I have made getting started on the journey to restoring your marriage simple. By clicking the button below and joining my email list I will guide you through the steps needed to move out of distress in your marriage.

What Happens Next

  1. Sign up for the email list. Where you will receive links to blogs, free resources, exercises, cheat-sheets, and how-tos.

  2. Once signed up you will receive a link to book a strategy session. A 45-minute online session where you share the struggle in your marriage and then we create an individualized action plan for your marriage.

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