Christa Rupar is here to help you with your relationship, marriage, and as a parent. She is experienced in helping couples and parents connect.

Christa has a BA in Bible and a Master’s degree in Counseling. A former licensed counselor, she now works with couples in a coaching format through in-person workshops and online resources. She is trained in relational skills that are rooted in Attachment theory and experiential in nature.

Christa is married and has three kids, enjoys spending time with her family, being outside, and warm weather. She is committed to eating healthy, creating community, and loving people. Her family attends and enjoys being a part of James River Church.

Get Started with Christa Today:

Christa Rupar MA, LPC

Christa is here to help you grow the connection in your marriage. By helping you understand conflict and learn how to turn it into connection.

Equipped with professional training, expertise, and experience through working with dozens of couples. Don’t let another day of disconnection and hurt go by in your marriage. Learn how to understand and connect in your marriage in the way God intended for marriage!

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